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Sunday, January 11, 2009

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natural health foodMoving Green Forward: Six Recommendations for 2009

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How Adding Antioxidants to Your Diet Can Improve Your Health

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Discover Healthy Eating Habits For Acne Free Skin

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* Olivus olive leaf tea is a good tasting tea with powerful antioxidant, anti-virus, anti- bacteria and anti- fungus properties.

* The whole fruit puree of the Mangosteen fruit is a powerful natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
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Ashwaganda PowderHigh Alkaline Foods Diet & Their Benefits

Mostly all fruits and vegetables are alkaline but to gain maximum benefit one must try and consume high alkaline foods. High alkaline foods can help achieve optimal benefits from the food we eat while at the same time keeping our body ph balanced. Children and senior citizens have small appetites and by giving them high alkaline foods one can insure that they get enough nutrition even in small portions.

To maintain a healthy body ph one needs to consume 60 % alkaline foods and the rest 40% can be acidic but to restore a healthy ph balance the alkaline food should make up about 80% of the entire food intake. Here is where the high alkaline foods step in.

In the vegetable category mostly all the items are alkaline but there are a few that are considered high alkaline foods. Raw spinach falls in the high alkaline foods segment. But this high alkaline food if cooked becomes acidifying. Similarly asparagus which are definitely high alkaline foods are good only if green; the white tips are acidic and should be left out of the cooking. High alkaline foods are essential for the body and unless one has a death wish they should not be left out of meals. Onions, barely grass and parsley are also high alkaline foods. Onions can be eaten raw for maximum benefit or cooked with other vegetables. Green vegetables juices are also considered to be part of high alkaline foods. Salt intake should be limited but always use sea salt which has iodine so as to get alkalized by salt too. A bit of salt can make a glass of vegetable juice quite tingling for the taste buds.

Apart from vegetables, fruits are also high alkaline foods. Lemons and limes even though acidic in their essence, once digested by the body leave and alkaline ash. So this fruit even though is acidic in nature has an alkalizing affect on the body. Lemons are high alkaline foods and apart from the vitamin c in them are also loved for their tangy flavor. Lemonades can work wonders in refreshing a tried body both long and short term. High alkaline foods can help rid one of depressions as well as tiredness. Papayas are also high alkaline foods and release a lot of alkaline ash. Consuming papayas regularly leads to glowing skin as well as shiny hair. Water melons are also high alkaline foods but they should not be combined with other foods since they do not make good combination foods. Mangoes and grapefruit also are found on the high alkaline foods chart.

Olive oil has a special place on the high alkaline foods chart. It is very alkalizing and food cooked in olive oil can do wonders for the body ph. Olive oil is even recommended for the skin and hair to improve their texture. Herb teas and lemon water are also high alkaline foods. Herb teas make good beverages for those cold days while lemon water shall refresh you on a hot afternoon.

Having these high alkaline foods will help the body fight diseases and also cure them. Consuming high alkaline foods also increases the life span.

Discover How Alkaline Foods Work and Why High Alkaline Foods Diet Is Recommended, including Free Foods Chart:

Ashwaganda Powder NewsRaw Organic Cacao Beans - 1KG - �26.99

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About 2 great salads
2-3 smoothies you really enjoy
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Raw Organic Cacao Beans - 1KG - �26.99

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6) ELIMINATE WHITE REFINED PROCESSED FOODS (white flour, white rice, white bread, white pasta) and INCREASE WHOLE GRAINS
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