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Monday, September 15, 2008

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Thermal destruction of most organic compounds occurs between 590�F and 650�F. However, most hazardous waste incinerators are operated at 1400�F. The time for which the pollutants stay in the incinerator is called residence time. The higher the residence time, the lower the temperature can be for the combustion chamber.
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Barley Grass


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General HealthCommon Sense Healthy Weight Loss Plan

The weight loss industry is big business these days. Everywhere you go you will find someone selling magic pills or the next greatest exercise machine. There are no magic bullets, if you want a common sense healthy weight loss plan it will take some will power and time. When you decide to try to use common sense to lose weight here are some things to consider.

Make healthy goal setting a part of your life.
One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to make setting healthy goals a part of your everyday life. Do not get on that scale and weigh yourself every day. When the pounds are not coming off on the scale it is all too easy to get discouraged. You may be getting healthier without the weight loss to show for it. Building muscle, retaining water and many other factors can slow the pounds coming off while you are getting more fit each day you stick with your goals. Set your goals for things like daily exercise and eating right instead of losing a pound a week. Think health first and weight loss second.

Stay clear of fad diets.
Every time I go to the grocery store I see another fad diet is all the rage. It just not make sense to me how doing away with entire food groups can be a good thing to do. The fad diet may work but I don't see how I could stay on these diets long term. Common sense tells me the best diet for me would include cutting out some of the fat and sugar from daily meals. A diet that is partially healthy that you can stick with will do you more good than a fad diet you cannot stay with. It is best to ease into any new diet plan. Diet changes made slowly seem to work best if you are going for the long term.

Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body. Get that heart rate going for at least 20 minutes when you work out is important to getting and staying fit. If you cannot spend that long in one setting try splitting your time up into intervals you can live with. The more you exercise the easier it becomes. When you start feeling like your energy level is higher you are probably on the right track.

See your doctor.
It is wise to visit your doctor before you start a diet or weight loss program. Talk over your plans and get a clean bill of health before you start.

Use a common sense healthy weight loss plan in your diet and exercise choices and you will be fine. Your health is the most important thing you have. Good luck in your weight loss adventures.

About the Author

For more information on a common sense healthy weight loss plan try visiting where you will find tips, advice and resources about topics such as healthy weight loss tips



Have you heard of Pau Darco Powder

Holistic Remedy10 Easy Ways to Kick-Start a New Healthy Eating Lifestyle

Easy Ways to Kick-Start a New Healthy Eating Lifestyle
There is a huge amount of sometimes conflicting, often confusing, nutrition and diet information available. Therefore, its very understandable when people become discouraged about selecting an eating plan for themselves. Even scientific studies often contradict each other. How can we figure out how best to eat for overall health or weight loss?

We can focus on the basics. Unless youre going to follow a strict diet that restricts or eliminates certain food groups (which should be carefully studied prior to starting), you can begin by striving for balance in your diet. Below are some common-sense guidelines that you can use to identify what kind of an eating plan works best for your lifestyle and your body. 1. Start drinking more water. Most experts recommend eight (8-ounce) glasses per day. The easiest way to do this is to spread out your water intake throughout the day and use containers that will help you keep track how much you drink. If you arent drinking much water currently, try easing into it. You can add one cup every few days until you reach 8 or more per day.

2. Strive to eat 1-2 servings of fruits or vegetables at each meal or snack. This will add up to several servings a day which is recommended for optimal nutrition.

3. Switch to whole grains. Go for the healthier whole grains in breads, pasta, tortillas, and cereals. Also eat brown rice instead of white. Youll be taking in more beneficial fiber and gaining all the other benefits of whole, rather than processed, grains.

4. Get your sweet tooth under control. Start to slowly reduce the portion sizes and frequency of your intake of any sugared treats. Try switching to unsweetened breakfast cereals. Go from full-sized candy bars to bite-size. And, if you are accustomed to eating dessert after every meal, switch to fruit as a dessert a few times per week. The less you eat the sweets, the less youll crave over time (really!).

5. Switch to lean meats. Avoid highly marbled beef, high fat pork ribs and chops, regular ground beef and other fatty cuts. Try substituting lean ground beef and turkey, pork tenderloin and flank steak, along with fish and shellfish.

6. Switch to lower fat dairy products. You can really influence your calorie and fat daily totals by switching to lower fat milk, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream and more. If you enjoy fat-free, work your way down to that. If you really dont enjoy the taste, then go to the lower fat varieties (thats what I do!).

7. Find a couple of lower fat salad dressings that you enjoy. With all the vegetable youll be eating as part of your new eating style, a couple healthier dressing options will go a long way toward making them more enjoyable. In addition to using on salads, you can use dressings for marinade, dips, sandwich spreads, and whenever you can use some extra flavor.

8. Slowly reduce your portion sizes. Most people who are carrying around some extra weight probably are eating too much food. By slowly reducing your portion sizes, youll feel less deprived as you make your way down to a portion size you feel comfortable and satisfied eating.

9. Learn how to read and compare nutrition label information. This will help avoid common mistakes made by people experimenting with healthier foods, such as overeating low fat items even though they contain as many calories as the full-fat varieties. Look at things like fiber, protein and sugar content to help you understand what youre feeding your body and how it makes you feel.

10. Although this isnt directly an eating issue, increase your activity! Healthy eating is only half of the equation. For ideal health, your body needs to move and move often. Again, start slowly and gradually increase your activity. This doesnt necessarily mean hard exercise walking, housework, gardening and running around with your kids can lead to healthy changes in your fitness level. Many experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise three times a week as a minimum for overall health. Each person should talk with their doctor, and determine what type and level of exercise will best suit them.

Even though you may determine you want to make additional lifestyle changes, these basic healthy tips will give you a great start toward improved health. Take it at your own pace and make changes that fit into your lifestyle. You dont need to eat foods you dont enjoy just because they are healthy. It would be better for you to experiment to find foods you do enjoy, so that you are motivated to keep eating them. Always keep in mind that youre making these changes to become a healthier person that will live a longer, more active life!

About the Author

Erin Rogers, a work-at-home mom of two, is the founder of, providing practical healthy living resources for busy people. She's also the author of the Healthy Express Cookbook: 101 Fresh, Light & Quick Dinners ( Visit her website ( to sign up for her FREE electronic newsletter, 'Dinners on the Double' - offering a quick and healthy, no-recipe dinner idea and more each week. Erin can be reached via email at

Pau Darco Powder TopicsNaturally Green Blog - General Health

When buying herbs it is important to buy quality standardized herbal preparations. It is usually not a good idea to buy herbal supplements based on price alone. Stick with well known and respected name brands and if you have any questions, consult your physician or alternative healthcare provider for medical advice.

If you currently are on prescription medication or have an illness, it is particularly important to talk with your doctor before adding herbal supplements to your diet as some herbs may react with your medications.

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Naturally Green Blog - General Health

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There is frequently a delay between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis. This is because early symptoms such as fatigue and arthralgia are non-specific.
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Athlete's foot is a common fungus infection in which the skin of the feet, especially on the sole and toes, becomes itchy and...

Contact us if you have any questions.

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October 1, 1996 -- Here we are once again heading into that part of the year when cold and flu-causing germs are present everywhere, virtually swarming about our...

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Clean Inside Out
RedOrbit, TX - Sep 2, 2008
Linda Page, ND, Ph.D., in her book Detoxification suggests this combination for blood cleansing: red clover, hawthorn, pau d'arco, nettles, sage, alfalfa, ...

Have you heard of Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp Seed Oil NewsHealth Products By Ailment

Leptin leapt into the headlines when it was identified in 1995 as a protein that triggers weight loss in mice. Leptin (the Greek term for thin) is a hormone released by your fat cells. When you lose fat, leptin levels drop and when you gain fat, leptin levels rise.
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Raw Spirit Transformation

Wed, 10 Sep 2008 01:10:15 EDT
AND. . . The Mangosteen!!! The little Mangosteen seeds are left intact inside the freeze dried white flesh....

Thu, 11 Sep 2008 00:00:00 EDT
*If one tried to ingest enough industrial hemp to get 'a buzz', it would be the equivalent of taking 2-3 doses of a high-fiber laxative. ... *At a volume level of 81%, hemp oil is the richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (the "good" fats)....*Much of the bird seed sold in the US has hemp seed (it's sterilized before importation), ... *Hemp oil once greased machines. Most paints, resins, shellacs, and varnishes used to be made out of linseed (from flax) and hemp oils....Industrial hemp is bred to maximize fiber, seed and/or oil, while marijuana varieties seek to maximize THC (delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive i ngredient in marijuana)....*While the original "gruel" was made of hemp seed meal, hemp oil and seed can be made into tasty and nutritional products....
