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Monday, October 27, 2008

Natural Aphrodisiacs Information

Health and NutritionWomen Need Multiple Vitamins For Menopause Health

The best multiple vitamins for menopause should include appropriate amounts of calcium, vitamin D and magnesium, in order to help prevent osteoporosis. There are other vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements and plant components that may stop menopause night sweats and other complaints.

Whether shopping on-line or at your local drug store, you will undoubtedly find a large assortment of herbal remedies, multiple vitamins for menopause and combos that supposedly provide everything that a woman needs for a ?healthy menopause?. There are products that are supposed to stop menopause night sweats, stop hot flashes and stop mood swings. The question is which one to choose. Choosing a health supplement of any kind can be difficult.

The Federal Trade Commission advises that while the benefits of some health products are well documented, others have no proven benefits and may even be dangerous. It is the responsibility of the health supplement manufacturers to insure that the products they sell are safe. These are general statements that apply to all health supplements, but apply to herbal remedies and multiple vitamins for menopause, as well. It is the consumer?s chore to evaluate the effectiveness of these remedies by ?giving them a try? or by researching the product ingredients.

This brings up one way that a consumer can spot a questionable product. Manufactures that are confident in the quality and effectiveness of their products will provide a detailed list of ingredients. The best manufacturers will even provide information supporting the use of the ingredients for any given condition. Manufacturers that make broad, non-specific statements concerning ingredients are either unsure about what the product contains, unsure about the products effectiveness or trying to mislead the consumer by insinuating that the product contains substances that are actually not included.

Let?s look at an example of what to avoid, without giving any brand names. One internet company that sells multiple vitamins for menopause makes this statement, ?formulated to deliver essential vitamins and minerals, as well as menopause discomfort relieving herbs and isoflavones.? The list of ingredients includes a number of vitamins, but no herbs and no isoflavones. Apparently this company is hoping that the consumer will read the description, but not the list of ingredients. A woman who is trying to stop menopause night sweats may find this product ineffective. While research has shown that vitamin E is somewhat effective, there are other herbs and plant components that are more effective for this purpose.

Most health care professionals recommend multiple vitamins for menopause health, when used in conjunction with a healthy, well-balanced diet and regular exercise. You may wonder why exercise is so important. You may think that if you take a calcium supplement you are protected from osteoporosis (a weakening and thinning of the bones), even if you do not exercise regularly. If you think this way, then you are wrong. Certain activities (or lack of activity, in this case) and substances have a canceling effect on vitamins and minerals. Lack of exercise cancels out the positive benefits of calcium supplementation.

The commonly recommended minerals, dietary supplements and multiple vitamins for menopause or the years leading up to menopause are calcium, vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B-complex, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, potassium, fiber, isoflavones and phytoestrogens.

Isoflavones are actually a well-researched form of phytoestrogens, but are sometimes listed separately. Phytoestrogens are simply plant compounds that have an ?estrogen-like? effect on the body. Lessening levels of estrogen in a woman?s body are believed to cause both PMS and menopause related symptoms. The most common sources of isoflavones are soy and red clover. Clinical research has shown that either of these may stop menopause night sweats and relieve other symptoms associated with low levels of estrogen.

Dietary guidelines from the USDA recommend that people should get most of their vitamins and minerals from the food that they eat, but that in certain cases supplementation may be necessary. Specifically related to multiple vitamins for menopause are the recommendations that people over the age of 50 should add B-complex and D supplements or foods that are fortified with these vitamins. Vitamin D is necessary for the body to efficiently absorb calcium, as is phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, iron and vitamin C.

To learn more about multiple vitamins for menopause and how to stop menopause night sweats, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about women's health. Read more at

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Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g

Obtaining your health care degree online can help with upward mobility on the ladder of success and increase job opportunities in the medical field. Expanding your education can improve communication skills and promote individual value to the mid-level management section, allowing students to respond to ever-widening community diversity. Interpreting and analyzing data as well as identifying human values, moral choices and fundamental beliefs are just part of what a health care degree online can provide to individuals. Courses within this field of online education touch on varied subjects, such as anatomy, legal issues, the aging process and research methods.

There are other reasons why pursuing a health care degree online is advantageous. Education in the virtual world allows students to easily balance studies with employment, meaning that individuals can continue to work and earn income while earning credits towards a degree in their own time. Home life, education and employment blend very easily, allowing students to combine all three areas of their lives without needing to take time off work to study or put off raising children to obtain an education. Also, pursuing an online degree allows individuals to save money on costs of transportation and commuting to educational facilities or having to pay for lodgings on or near a campus.

Employment opportunities in the health care field are continually broadening as the world's population ages. Research and technology allow people to live longer, providing ample careers to those who pursue a profession in the medical field. As our population of senior citizens continues to expand, the needs for skilled professionals able to tend to individuals increases and finding employment is usually easy, for those who have the qualifications and credentials of accredited educational facilities. Top schools and universities have responded to the demands and offer excellent, recognized training to students in a manner that matches the technological revolution of today's computer-based world.
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Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g

Dead Sea Magik

When seeking a cream to help revitalize eyes, look for these crucial ingredients.

* Hyaluronic acid, or HA, in Triple Effects Eye Serum plays the role of a fabulous "molecular sponge." How? It provides optimum moisture and adds thickness to the skin near your eyes; it minimizes dark circles.
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Lets talk about Ecozone Ecoballs

Natural SupplementsL-Methionine Nutrition

Methionine, both an essential vitamin and amino acid, must be obtained from the diet.

Methionine is a sulfur agent required for the production of Glutathione, and works most effectively when taken with B-complex vitamins.

Methionine is a lipotropic, helping the liver to process fats (choline, inosol, and betaine). It also prevents fat from accumulating in the liver, and maintains normal liver function.

Methionine functions in the manufacture of the creatine which is naturally present in muscle tissues and supplies them with the energy to move. Creatine, essential for all muscle function, also supports heart and circulatory systems.

The presence of creatine will boost athletic performance during short, intense workouts.

Methionine, essential for the development of healthy collagen, helps build skin, nails, and connective tissues, and also reduces inflammatory histamines.

Supplemental methionine may alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, chronic allergies, AIDS, pancreatitis, Parkinson?s, urinary tract infections and some forms of depression.

How to Select an L-Methionine Product

Because the production of nutritional supplements in the U.S. and other countries is largely unregulated, both government and private studies have determined that health consumers only have a 1 in 5 chance of buying a product that either contains the same ingredients indicated the product?s label, or worse still, is not contaminated with harmful toxins.

We suggest, therefore, that you only purchase from pharmaceutical GMP compliant facilities, which adhere to the world?s most exacting manufacturing standards. By doing as what we suggest, you will be assured of getting the amount of uncontaminated L-Methionine you paid for.

The product we personally use called Total Balance, which contains L-Methionine - is the best supplement we have come across. We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results.

We highly recommend you learn more about our best natural nutritional supplement if you are interested in improving your overall health.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on our nutrition book.

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