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Monday, January 12, 2009

Maca Sellers for health

Natural RemedyThe Benefits of Antioxidant Vitamins - A Personal Experience

A few years ago I had never heard of antioxidants, and vitamins were something that were supposed to be good for you but were only to be found in vegetables ? ugh! Today I am a relatively healthy 62 years old and I probably owe my life to antioxidants!

Two days before Christmas 1999 I suffered an attack of pancreatitis. I was rushed to hospital on Christmas eve and stayed in for 3 weeks, after which I was sent home with the doctors telling me that I had suffered a life-threatening illness which would probably occur again. Whereas most pancreatitis cases suffer because of excess drink or gallstones, I was a non-drinker and my gallbladder was fine, so I was classified as idiosyncratic; which basically means the doctors didn?t have any idea why I experienced the attack.

Two months later, as forecast I had another attack. This time I was in hospital for a month (it?s so boring!), hooked up to various tubes and unable to eat for the first 3 weeks, and once again I was told there was no cure.

When I got home I thought there must be some sort of treatment so I did some research on the Internet (thank God for the Internet!), and found a hospital that for 20 years had been successfully treating pancreatitis with antioxidants. That hospital was too far away, but the articles mentioned another that followed the same treatment and was nearer. So I went there and, to cut a long story short, I started on the course of antioxidants ? vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and methionine (which is actually an amino acid).

Thankfully the pancreatitis attacks have stopped. I have to be careful with my diet and drink is banned - which is not a problem. I now take so many vitamins that if you shook me I would rattle, but these wonderful antioxidants are fighting those free radicals or whatever caused my pancreatitis and I have been healthy for six years.



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