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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Rio Amazon Guarana for health

Rio Amazon GuaranaHerbal Stores Are Important Suppliers Of Herbs And Advice On Healthy Living

If you're in to natural remedies, your local herb shop is probably a regular hang out. If not, you may be one of those people who think that herbs are kind of geeky or otherwise too ?tree-hugging? for your taste and lifestyle. In fact, herb stores are chock full of fascinating items which can make for a fun and educational afternoon, simply browsing what they have to offer. Herb stores generally focus on herbs, supplements and books on herbs, nutrition, and natural healing.

Let's start with a virtual tour of typical herb stores to see what you'll find. Many brick and mortar herb stores also have an online presence,making it convenient to shop once you've familiarized yourself with their products.

The first thing you'll find are knowledgeable, low-key and friendly clerks. They don't bug you if you just want to browse, but if you have questions about a condition you have, they're excellent information resources and can guide you to products which may help. More than that, they are happy to explain just how each product may help and what combinations are best.

Most herb stores offer herbs in bulk and already bottled capsules. The bulk herbs are the best value, although you do have to purchase capsules and make them up yourself, but that's not difficult if your budget is tight. Some herbs should be purchased bottled as standardized extracts when you need a guaranteed potency. Your friendly herb store clerk can advise you.

Bulk herbs make an awesome display, typically stored in glass gallon containers, with shelf after shelf, in fact hundreds of containers of these sometimes strange and beautiful herbs.

You'll be shocked to find how cheaply you can get all the culinary herbs you need at herb stores. You'll pay about a tenth of the supermarket versions in fancy jars. Herb stores are usually busy places, so you'll find these to be fresher than their supermarket counterparts.

If you're trying a new recipe and need just three cardamom pods or a few whole cloves, you can purchase such small quantities, it costs just pennies, instead of several dollars.

Herb stores always carry a full line of vitamins and supplements, usually more expensive than at the supermarket, but also more robust and perfectly balanced for optimum effect.

Cosmetic products, shampoos, body lotions and oils have their own section in herb shops, which stock quality products at prices similar to supermarkets or department stores.

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils of plants which are used, a drop or two at a time, diluted into a larger quantity of almond or avocado oil for a stimulating massage oil. Others use essential oils to make their own fragrances.

Many of the better herb stores have in-store libraries you can browse, covering every health topic you can imagine. Many provide free flyers and newsletters on specific topics.

Visit your local herb shop soon! You'll be delighted to find such a wealth of information and real help on getting and staying healthy.

About the Author:

Ann Merier writes articles about the home and family health. Article topics include diabetes,detox diet,yoga,pilates exercise Immune System Boosters Health Care Info

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