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The Law of Cause and Effect: Women's Health
If you continue to have the same habits towards your health, weight, diet, exercise, and fat, than you will continue to live with the same body that you have now, instead of living the ultimate healthy lifestyle that you deserve.
If you are not happy with your life, you need to change what you are doing. You need to stop what isn't working, and find something that will work. If you keep doing the same things you will get the same results. I would like to point out the reason that sometimes we need to change what we are doing if we are not happy with who, and what we are.
'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result".
If you find something that works, keep with it. A Football team will keep running a successful play until the other team figures out a way to stop it.
Here are a few simple examples of the Law of Cause and Effect: -If you exercise, you get stronger. -If you eat too much, you'll get fat. -If you save your money, you'll become wealthy. -If you don't maintain your car - it breaks down. (Usually at an inconvenient time) -If you spend more than you make, you could end up being a financial slave to a credit card company, lose yourself-respect, or possibly lose your house.
The person who is likely to succeed is a person who in their spare time, takes night classes, home study classes, attends workshops, searches out information to help them achieve their personal goals, and doesn't give up, no matter how difficult it may seem.
The person who usually fails is the person who comes home from work and spends countless hours watching television, is not motivated, and gives up too easily. They are missing a key ingredient which is a burning desire. This is not something you can purchase, it is something that you can create in yourself, just through positive self talk.
So today I am asking you to make a change in your life! If you are not healthy and happy, and you continue to do the same things that are not working than you are insane. So as Susan Powders would say "Stop The Insanity". Make a commitment to change and develop the burning desire mindset.
Kimberly Jamieson Has achieved success in living, maintaining a healthy active lifestyle. She has helped inspire and motivate thousands to achieve this life. To learn more about women's health and wellness, overeating, weight loss, exercise, proper eating habits. Visit
About the Author
Kimberly Jamieson Has achieved success in living, maintaining a healthy active lifestyle. She has helped inspire and motivate thousands to achieve this life. To learn more about women's health and wellness, overeating, weight loss, exercise, proper eating habits. Visit
Wheatgrass online NewsEco Energy Conserving Kettle 1.5ltr Capacity
Fatty acids and the brain
The link between Omega 3 fatty acids and the brain has already been well established and many studies have now shown that fish oil can alleviate the symptoms or help to prevent the onset of several types of depressive disorders, including post natal depression. EPA in particular is believed to improve concentration and memory and cognitive function in general, and some studies have shown it can even help to prevent or slow down the progress of Alzheimer's disease.
It is during the last three months of pregnancy that the baby's brain is developing very rapidly and so this is a time when it is particularly vital that the mother gets enough of the essential Omega 3 fatty acids that are only found in any significant quantities in oily fish such as Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, Herring and Anchovies. These fatty acids facilitate healthy structure and development of the brain and many professionals now believe it is DHA that is important for the structure of the brain and EPA for efficient functioning of the brain on a day to day basis.
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Eco Energy Conserving Kettle 1.5ltr Capacity
Optimum Source Chlorella Tablets
The arthritis diet consist of moving towards more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, which make your body more alkaline and reducing animal products which create acid and inflammation in your body. If you have allergies to specific foods then avoid them completely. As you improve in your arthritis condition, then later you can eat some of the foods you need to avoid now.
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Optimum Source Chlorella Tablets
Immune System
At the end, if you�ve been dealing with the symptoms of depression for some time, you need to contact your doctor.
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Immune System
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