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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nutrition article

Optimum Source Chlorella TabletsCabbage Soup Diet - A New Look and Weekly Menu

Cabbage soup can be used in a simple diet which can enable you to loose between 3 and 7kg (6 - 15 lbs) in a single week! Cabbage soup helps your body to burn fat and therefore the more you eat the more weight you loose. This diet is also good for detoxifying your body and liver and invigorating you with a feeling of well-being. The cabbage soup diet should be followed only along with a well chosen menu of other foods, selected both to provide the other essential nutrients that you need, and to preserve your body's muscle mass and protein intake while dissolving fats. Eating fruit is an important part of the Cabbage Soup Diet because it will make you feel full and your tummy satisfied. In more detail, some of the benefits of cabbage soup include:

  • Stimulates slimming by controlling the metabolism of sugar and fats.
  • Rich in fibre, minerals and vitamins
  • Rich is vitamins A, Beta Carotene & C - All important antioxidant vitamins essential for good health
  • Potassium from Onions and Celery - Important for healthy and beautiful skin and lips
  • Niacin from tomatoes - An important B vitamin which can help to 'switch off' sugar cravings

However, as we mentioned earlier, cabbage soup should not be your only source of food because it does not contain all the nutrients that you need in its self. We therefore advise you to scrupulously follow the menus and advice presented below. We also advise you not to use the diet for more than seven days at a time and to wait at least 2 weeks before using this effective diet again.

The Cabbage Soup Recipe

4 cloves of garlic

6 large onions

2 medium boxes of tomatoes (peeled)

1 large head of cabbage

3 litres of water

2 peppers (green, yellow or red)

5 carrots

1 stick of celery

1 large sprig of parsley

Seasoning: salt, pepper and curry powder (optional) to taste.


Cut the vegetables into smallish pieces, place in a pan, season and cover with the water. Boil until the vegetables are tender.You may also liquidise the soup slightly. Do not add any fat, oil or grease into the cooking process!

The Daily Menu and Diet:

For each of the days 3 meals, a bowl of cabbage soup is eaten. For the fruit portion of the meals it is best to avoid very sweet ripe bananas or other very sweet fruits such as strawberries. Fizzy drinks (including diet drinks with artificial sweeteners are NOT allowed especially drinks sweetened with aspartame). Tea and coffee are allowed as long as they are unsweetened.

You should eat until you are full. Don't leave the table feeling hungry!

On each day the cabbage soup should be eaten at each meal time, in addition to the following:

Day 1 - All fruits are allowed except bananas and melons. No sweetened drinks or juices.

Day 2 - All vegetables are allowed except peas and beans. No fruit is allowed on this day.

Day 3 - Fruit and vegetables are allowed as you like - eat them until satisfied. After this third day you should have lost up to 2 kilos if you have followed the diet strictly.

Day 4 - Only bananas and skimmed milk is permitted.

Day 5 - 150 grams of beef and 3-5 tomatoes may be eaten

Day 6 - 150 grams of beef or roast chicken (absolutely without skin)

Day 7 - Brown rice (a good portion) and unsweetened juices, vegetables at will.

After these seven days you should have lost between 5 and 7 kilos if you didn't cheat! Do not repeat the diet for at least a fortnight. Always follow a healthy diet, most importantly avoiding high sugar, high fat and processed food.

Jennifer Recommends:

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Gifts & Wind chimes at SimpleGift

Meal planner at Food Today

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