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Monday, May 19, 2008

Holistic Remedy Info

Herbs for Men to Treat Male Impotency and Where To Buying Cialis

Fri, 09 May 2008 16:01:56 EDT
Of these herbs for men, there is a host of three formulas to choose from tincture, tea or capsules. ... In the unfortunate occurrence of an infection of the prostrate gland, clinically labeled as prostititis, the herbs for men formulation, in equal quantities, of dandelion, E...

Herbs for Men to Treat Male Impotency

Wed, 07 May 2008 05:37:01 EDT
Of these herbs for men, there is a host of three formulas to choose from tincture, tea or capsules. ... In the unfortunate occurrence of an infection of the prostrate gland, clinically labeled as prostititis, the herbs for men formulation, in equal quantities, of dandelion, E...

A question about post-chemo induced menopause fertility

Sun, 11 May 2008 20:07:35 EDT
I notice that when I eat salads of: dock weed, lambs quarters, primrose rosette leaves, sorrel, and dandelion leaves, that my nails grow in thicker and stronger. ... AS you said on the internet site, capsules really don't do it and I find it strange but true, even though I take calcium citrate, magnesium citrate, boron, etc....

Dandelion CapsulesSpiritual Health

Spiritual Health

Life corresponds with the equilibrium of the whole universe per se, since we all represent the forces and powers of the universe to our own consciousness. Nevertheless, this representation is not always the right one or the accurate one, causing complex imbalance that manifests as chaos and disease.

To make it easy to understand : Good health and the source of harmony is the corresponding equilibrium of personal and universal energies. The most important point here is, that thought is the process and link that makes possible this interchange of energy between man and the universe, in such a way that the crisis or perfect harmony has much to do with the way we think, because we attract good health as renovating strength of balance, or we attract chaos, death and destruction.

It is necessary to say that good health, as well as disease has many forms of manifesting. There are persons, who seem to be strong and completely healthy but in truth, they are spiritually dead and this is the most terrible and tragic illness because it means that everything has been lost. Good health, has much to do with many aspects, as food, genetics, exercise, climate, among many things, but the most important aspect happens in our mind.

People can talk about men with spirits of warriors, who seem strong and healthy, but I could say that these people may have an apparent good health, because if there is no love in their hearts, they only have arrogance and spiritual ignorance, which will finally kill them. This is the reason that a serene mind, an educated mind and a mind and heart in love with life are so important. And we mean a life not only to have a good time, but to build a solid construction that death or disease can't easily snatch.

Thought is creative, this does not indicate, that it creates because the mind is not God, but the mind is capable of self attracting good or bad things. Cultivating Love, good, forgiveness, devotion and service, are not only qualities of the ones who meditate in remote mountains. These are primordial and necessary elements in the lives of men.

The right thought will take us to a healthy life. Man will attract upon himself and upon others, what he essentially feels and lives in the intimacy of his thoughts. Even though circumstances of lack of love and the most terrible fears, may appear sometimes, a mind and consciousness strengthened in Peace and Love, will be able to overcome the darkest times. And if death inexorably arrives, that spiritual consciousness will keep on living because the Love of God is alive in the one who loves Love. And this is real good health.

Excerpt of the book " Healing" by Mr. Oscar Basurto

Topics on Dandelion CapsulesCertified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG

3. Saturated fat and trans fatty acids raise your bad cholesterol levels, contributing to your risk of heart disease. Limit your intake.
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Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG

Naturally Green Blog - Goji Berries

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophane) is a naturally occurs in our bodies and helps the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Adequate amounts of serotonin is vital for a feeling and sense of emotional well being. 5-HTP can cross the blood brain barrier which makes it unique in the facilitation of serotonin. 5-HTP has gained a great reputation in the natural treatment of insomnia, depression and obesity.
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Naturally Green Blog - Goji Berries

MSM Powder

Saturated fats are found in beef, veal, lamb, pork, lard, butter, cream, whole milk dairy products and can be present in processed foods like frozen dinners and some canned food. Always check food labels before purchasing.

Trans fatty acids, the kind of fats that increase the risk of heart disease, are formed during the process of creating cooking oils, shortening, and margarine and are found in commercially fried foods, some baked goods, and crackers. When checking food labels, make sure the ingredients do not include hydrogenated fats.
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MSM Powder



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